
Re: Decide the future of your Garda Majapahit - News About the Military App!

Just making sure you saw this.

On Wednesday, August 14, 2019 at 7:59 AM, Jay <> wrote:
Hello Mojosarian Inc team!

My name is Jay, I'm a community manager from AoneApps.

May I start with a bit of an introduction? We are an App Marketing Agency, where we provide all sorts of ASO services including Promo Video that can boost your ( Garda Majapahit - News About the Military ) App downloads organically and cost-effectively on Play Store and App Store.

I would love to discuss a few ways how we can increase your app's reach and conversion rate. So, let's have a healthy conversation here and let me know a little more about your app and your goals.

Hay! why don't you just visit our website first? It's for the home page.
To request a free custom proposal, it's

Will be waiting for your quick response. Thank you very much for your time.


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