
Get viral 😎 with TikTok Video Feeds on your website (Yeps !)

Get viral with TikTok Feeds on your website!

How to display Tiktok Video feeds on your website (with or without any account).

We have just released our lastest plugin for Wordpress:

This plugin allows you to showcase your Tik Tok feeds on your website (with unique customizations) with a few clicks.
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How does it work ?

Tik Tok Video Feed plugin is a user-friendly WordPress plugin that can help you bring Tik Tok feeds with the media of ANY Tik Tok account to any of your posts and pages (+ sidebar).

Tik Tok Video Feed plugin is perfect for any WordPress users that want to spice up their posts with the latest videos from their Tik Tok profiles. Our plugin is responsive and scales perfectly to screens of all sizes, providing better user experience across the board.
Want to see more ?
Tik Tok Video Feed plugin was made to increase engagement between you and your visitors/followers! You can now increase your number of followers by displaying your Tik Tok content (or any available video) directly on your site.


  • By default the Tik Tok Video feed plugin will adopt the style of your website, but can be completely customized to look however you like!
  • All video details like "Creator details", "Video description", "Sound credit", "Video stats", "Play button" are enabled by default, but can be disabled either globally or per video feed.
  • Set the number of Tik Tok Videos per feed you want to display (PRO)
  • Choose how many columns to display your Tik Tok Videos
  • Choose to show or hide certain parts of these Tik Tok videos
  • Control the background color of your Tik Tok feed (PRO)
  • Set the spacing/padding between the Tik Tok photos (PRO)
  • Use your own custom text font-family, font-size (even heading font-size) and color for Feed layout. (PRO)
  • Use the shortcode options to style multiple Tik Tok feeds in completely different ways
  • Plus more customization options added all the time!


  • Can I display multiple Tik Tok feeds on my site or on the same page?

Absolutely. Since this plugin is not limited to a single Tik Tok account, it is very easy to create and integrate several different feeds (via Shortcodes) inside the same page, just as it is also possible to combine videos from multiple Tik Tok accounts within a single feed.

  • Can I display videos from more than one Tik Tok account in one single feed?

Tout à fait ! C'est justement ce qui fait l'attrait de notre plugin. Il vous est possible de combiner des vidéos provenant d'une infinité d'autres comptes Tik Tok à l'intérieur d'un même feed.

  • How do I find my Tik Tok Access Token and Tik Tok User ID

Absolutely not. In fact, you don't even have to have a Tik Tok account! The fact is that, unlike other Feed plugins, "repatriation" of videos cannot be done in automatic mode … Tik tok does not provide (yet!) Any Legacy API to generate tokens in order to display Tik Tok Feeds on a website.

  • Can I play Tik Tok videos directly on my website?

YES. In fact, depending on how you access the website, via Mobile or Desktop, videos will be accessible in different ways. On a computer screen, videos are triggered via a popup appearing in the middle of the screen, or via a link opening the video directly on a Tik Tok page. On mobile, the video will be playable directly in full screen or, as on desktop, directly on the Tik Tok website.

  • How do I embed my Tik Tok Video Feed directly into a WordPress page template?

Once your "Shortcode" created and personalized (depending on the information you want to display), you just have to copy it and then, in the destination page, to paste it into the text. Note that "grid" or "full width" options can be modified using your "page builder" and not our shortcodes.

If you have any questions about how to apply the coupon code, please contact us at
Thank you & have fun !
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