
Monetization and SEO Tips During COVID-19 😷

Together with SEO experts, we have put together some SEO monetization tips during COVID-19
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Monetization and SEO Tips For Publishers

What does COVID-19 mean for online publishers?

Together with SEO experts Zac Johnson and Servando Silva, we've put together a guide to help you boost your SEO efforts and keep monetizing your website during the global COVID-19 pandemic. 

It's important to focus on your SEO strategy to keep you at the top of  search engine results to monetize your traffic.

Read more here on how to improve your SEO.

Zac Johnson
SEO expert, speaker, blogger and an entrepreneur with more than 25 years of experience in the world of online marketing

“Having been in the world of online marketing for over two decades now, I’ve seen plenty of changes. This latest fiasco with Coronavirus definitely comes with a lot of complications and challenges for individuals, businesses and brands of all sizes. However, like all ups and downs in the past, entrepreneurs and internet marketers always find a way to adapt. 

With more people now working from home, it means everyone is now more connected than ever before–which also leads to new opportunities for teaching audiences how to use apps on their phone, software and web browser tools for improved telecommunications and live meetings. 

Again, this is where affiliate marketers and publishers come into play. One way to take advantage of the scenario at hand, while also providing useful tools and resources to others, is to create high-quality content, resources and guides that walk a user through a process (such as doing their first Zoom teleconference), while also earning a commission on the back end. There are plenty of ways to make money in these changing times, but always try and do it ethically and not take advantage of a bad situation."


Any questions?

We’re here to offer you guidance on how to efficiently monetize your traffic with Adcash and boost your earnings.  

Please don't hesitate to contact your account manager or our support team, so we can help you personally to see which ad formats and setup work the best with your audience whilst maximising your revenue. 

Most importantly – stay safe! 


Cara from Adcash

Cara from Adcash   

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